Facial Massage
Facial Course
4m 13s
Facial massage
using classic strokes like effleurage to relax your client and stimulate the skin and facial muscles.
Facial Massage relaxes the client
Massage is the most enjoyable part of the treatment
Increases the blood circulation around the body
The massage routine can be adapted to individual clients
Facial massage Routine
Slow effleurage (slow stroking movements) over the face
Tap along the jaw line (using fingertips)
Small circular movements over the chin (using thumb and fingers
Prayer movement to chin
Slow effleurage over the face
Circles to alternate sides of the nostrils
Stroke down the nose (using pointing and middle finger)
Zig Zag over the forehead (scissor movements)
Sinus draining (from corner of the nose to temples)
Slow effleurage over the face
End with applying slight pressure at the side of the head.
Up Next in Facial Course
Apply Mask
Facial mask
Targeted to the skin type (dry, oily, combination, sensitive, mature) and condition. During the facial.
We will mix or own clay masks today! -
Extraction and toning
finishing the facial!